Stream Restoration

Mellow Marsh Farm propagates native plant material for stream restoration projects. A good guide on small scale streambank restoration can be found here. Mellow Marsh focuses on native riparian plants, and can provide advice on species that will establish quickly and provide good cover. 

Our plants are available in a variety of container sizes (along with bare root and live stakes) to comply with regulatory specifications. Our staff has experience with stream restoration projects, so reach out with any questions. 

View our full catalog here

Acer negundo (Box elder) seeds "Acer negundo Mulde 0370 Annabell Hormann x" by botanischervereinsachsen-anhalt is marked with CC BY 2.0. To view the terms, visit
Box elder
Acer rubrum "Red maple"
Red maple
Top view of the green fronds of Adiantum pedatum (Maidenhair fern) 1-gallon pots
Maidenhair fern
"Aesculus flava" by Plant Image Library is marked with CC BY-SA 2.0. To view the terms, visit
Yellow buckeye
Aesculus pavia "Red buckeye" in bloom
Red buckeye
Aesculus sylvatica "Painted buckeye" in bloom
Painted buckeye
"Downy serviceberry, Amelanchier arborea" by Where Are The Hikers? is marked with CC BY 2.0. To view the terms, visit
Downy service-berry
Close up of of purple, long, spikey flowers rising above bisected leaves
False indigo
Amsonia tabernaemontana in bloom
Eastern bluestar
Andropogon glomeratus 4 inch pot at Mellow Marsh
Bushy beardgrass
Aronia arbutifolia "Choke cherry/Red chokeberry" in bloom
Red chokeberry
Benthamidia florida "Flowering dogwood" in bloom
Flowering dogwood
Betula nigra "River birch"
River birch
Callicarpa americana "American beautyberry"
American beautyberry
Carex crinita "Fringed sedge"
Fringed sedge
Carex grayi "Gray's sedge"
Gray's sedge
Carex intumescens "Bladder sedge"
Bladder sedge
Carex lurida "Shallow sedge"
Shallow sedge
Carex stricta "Tussock sedge/Upright sedge"
Tussock sedge
"American hornbeam (Carpinus caroliniana)" by Toni Genberg is marked with CC BY-SA 2.0. To view the terms, visit
American hornbeam
Green compound leaves of Carya cordiformis (Bitternut) 1-gallon pots in summer at Mellow Marsh Farm.
Bitternut hickory
"Carya glabra (pignut hickory), Cumberland, RI" by Doug_McGrady is marked with CC BY 2.0. To view the terms, visit
Pignut hickory
"Carya ovata (Shagbark Hickory)" by Plant Image Library is marked with CC BY-SA 2.0. To view the terms, visit
Shagbark hickory
"Mockernut Hickory bud (Carya tomentosa))" by Lisa's insects etc is marked with CC BY-SA 2.0. To view the terms, visit
Mockernut hickory
Castanea pumila 1 gallon plants at Mellow Marsh
Ceanothus americanus "New jersey tea" gallon
New Jersey tea
Cercis canadensis "Red bud" in bloom
Eastern redbud
"Chamaecyparis thyoides 'Shiva' 2014" by F. D. Richards is marked with CC BY-SA 2.0. To view the terms, visit
Atlantic white cedar
Chasmanthium laxum (Slender wood oats) 4 inch pots at Mellow Marsh Farm
Slender woodoats
Chelone glabra "White turtlehead" in bloom
White turtlehead
Clethra alnifolia "Sweet pepper bush"
Sweet pepper bush
Coleataenia rigidulum "Redtop panicgrass"
Redtop panicgrass
Corylus americanus (hazelnut) catkin on Mellow Marsh 15gallon
American hazelnut
Dulichium arundinaceum "Three-way sedge"
Three-way sedge
Eleocharis obtusa "Spike rush"
Blunt spikerush
"Elymus hystrix (eastern bottle-brush grass), West Hartford, VT" by Doug_McGrady is marked with CC BY 2.0. To view the terms, visit
Bottlebrush grass
"Elymus virginicus" by Matt Lavin is marked with CC BY-SA 2.0. To view the terms, visit
Virginia wild rye
Eragrostis spectabilis "Purple lovegrass"
Purple lovegrass
Eubotrys racemosus "Fetterbush/Swamp dog hobble" in bloom
Swamp doghobble
Euonymus americanus "Strawberry bush"
Strawberry bush
"Eutrochium dubium (Willd. ex Poir.) E.E. Lamont" by Mark T. Strong and Carol L. Kelloff is marked with CC0 1.0. To view the terms, visit
Coastal plain joe-pye weed
Eutrochium fistulosum "Trumpetweed/Joe-pye weed" in bloom
Trumpetweed/Joe-pye weed
Copper coloured leaves on a full grown Fagus grandifolia "American beech" tree
American beech
Hydrangea quercifolia, Oakleaf hydrangea
Oakleaf hydrangea
Ilex decidua "Possum haw"
Possum haw
Ilex glabra "Inkberry"
"Ilex opaca" by sonnia hill is marked with CC BY 2.0. To view the terms, visit
American holly
Itea virginica "Virginia sweetspire"
Virginia sweetspire
"Juncus coriaceus left Juncus effusus right ncwetlands KG" by is marked with CC0 1.0. To view the terms, visit
Leathery rush
"Eastern Red Cedar (Juniperus virginiana)" by Brandon Preston is marked with CC BY 2.0. To view the terms, visit
Eastern red cedar
Liatris spicata "Blazing star" in bloom
Blazing star
"Raindrops on spicebush (Lindera benzoin) leaves. The water beads up like the lotus effect (like on lady's mantle)" by karen_hine is marked with CC PDM 1.0. To view the terms, visit
Spice bush
Lobelia cardinalis "Cardinal flower" in bloom
Cardinal flower
Lobelia elongata "Blue lobelia" in bloom
Blue lobelia
"20200426 Netted Chain Fern (Woodwardia areolata)" by schizoform is marked with CC BY 2.0. To view the terms, visit
Netted chain fern
Lyonia lucida "Fetterbush" in bloom
Magnolia virginiana "Sweetbay magnolia"
Sweetbay magnolia
MMF seed mixes
MMF seed mixes
Morus rubra 1-gallon pots at Mellow Marsh
Red mulberry
Nyssa aquatica1-gallon pots at Mellow Marsh
Water tupelo
Nyssa biflora 15-gallon leaves at Mellow Marsh with beautiful fall color
Swamp tupelo
Packera aurea "Golden groundsel" in bloom
Golden groundsel
Panicum virgatum "Switchgrass"
"Red Bay" by mmmavocado is marked with CC BY 2.0. To view the terms, visit
Swamp bay, Red bay
Prunus angustifolia (Chickasaw plum) flowers in early spring
Chickasaw plum
"Prunus serotina" by anro0002 is marked with CC BY-SA 2.0. To view the terms, visit
Black cherry
Quercus alba "White oak" red, purple, and green fall leaves on Mellow Marsh tublings
White oak
"Quercus bicolor - Swamp White Oak" by Virens (Latin for greening) is marked with CC BY 2.0. To view the terms, visit
Swamp white oak
Quercus coccinea "Scarlet oak" leaves on Mellow Marsh 1-gallons
Scarlet oak
"Quercus falcata" by Bruce Kirchoff is marked with CC BY 2.0. To view the terms, visit
Southern red oak
"Quercus lyrata" by Bruce Kirchoff is marked with CC BY 2.0. To view the terms, visit
Overcup oak
"Quercus michauxii" by Bruce Kirchoff is marked with CC BY 2.0. To view the terms, visit
Swamp chestnut oak
Quercus nigra "Water oak" acorns
Water oak
"Quercus pagoda" by Bruce Kirchoff is marked with CC BY 2.0. To view the terms, visit
Cherrybark oak
Orange/red fall colour of Quercus phellos "Willow oak" leaves at Mellow Marsh
Willow oak
Vibrant red Quercus ruba "Red oak" leaves at Mellow Marsh
Northern red oak
new green leaves of Quercus shumardii "Shumard's oak" 1-gallon pots at Mellow Marsh
Shumard's oak
Rhododendron arborescens "Smooth azalea" in bloom
Smooth/Sweet azalea
Rhynchospora colorata "White topped sedge" in bloom
White topped sedge
Rosa palustris "Swamp rose"
Swamp rose
Rudbeckia fulgida "Orange coneflower" in bloom
Orange coneflower
Sabatia kennedyana "Plymouth rose" in bloom
Plymouth rose-gentian
Mellow Marsh Farm logo - no image available for this plant
Carolina willow
"Black Willow - Salix nigra, Manassas Battlefield Park, Manassas, Virginia" by Judy Gallagher is marked with CC BY 2.0. To view the terms, visit
Black willow
Silky willow
Saururus cernuus "Lizard's tail"
Lizard's tail
"Solidago juncea - Early Goldenrod (?)" by FritzFlohrReynolds is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0. To view a copy of this license, visit
Early goldenrod
Solidago sempervirens "Seaside goldenrod"
Seaside goldenrod
"Indian Grass (Sorghastrum nutans)" by wackybadger is marked with CC BY-SA 2.0. To view the terms, visit
Indian grass
Sparganium americanum
American bur reed
Swida amomum (Silky dogwood) blooming white with a bee on the flowers
Silky dogwood
"Swamp Dogwood" by treegrow is marked with CC BY 2.0. To view the terms, visit
Swamp dogwood
Taxodium ascendens "Pond cypress"
Pond cypress
"Taxodium distichum 'Cody's Feathers'" by F. D. Richards is marked with CC BY-SA 2.0. To view the terms, visit
Bald cypress
"Purple-topped Grass - Tridens flavus, Occoquan Regional Park, Lorton, Virginia" by Judy Gallagher is marked with CC BY 2.0. To view the terms, visit
Purpletop tridens
"Eastern Gamagrass - Tripsacum dactyloides, Occoquan Bay National Wildlife Refuge, Woodbridge, Virginia" by Judy Gallagher is marked with CC BY 2.0. To view the terms, visit
Eastern gamagrass
"File:Winged Elm Ulmus alata 2009-05-10.jpg" by Gaberlunzi (Richard Murphy) is marked with CC BY-SA 3.0. To view the terms, visit
Winged elm
"Ulmus americana" by Matt Lavin is marked with CC BY-SA 2.0. To view the terms, visit
American elm
White bell-shaped flowers on green leaves
Highbush blueberry
Viburnum nudum "Possum haw viburnum"
Possum haw viburnum