We grow a wide selection of native plants with an ever-changing inventory. If you do not see the species, size, or quantity you need please check back as we may have what you need coming along. We are also happy to provide ecologically and aesthetically appropriate substitutions or recommendations. You may also contact us directly about contract growing. We also invite you to check our complete listing of species we grow in our Catalog.
We are a wholesale business but do sell to individuals. Our minimum order size is $100, and we have quantity-based pricing (view our Price Guide). Requesting plants online is simply a request. We will contact you to finalize your order. We do not hold orders longer than 30 days.
Hours of Operation: Monday through Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Friday 7:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. We are unable to accommodate on-site shopping or unscheduled visits.
Click the + sign next to the species name for more information on individual plants.
Species name - Container size | Common name | Stock | Price | Quantity Pricing | Add to request | hf:att:pa_size |
Acer negundo - 1 Gallon | Box elder | 4 in stock | $12.10 | 10+ $6.05ea | 1-gallon | |
Acer rubrum - 15 Gallon | Red maple | 5 in stock | $66.55 | $66.55 | 15-gallon | |
Acer rubrum - 3 Gallon | Red maple | 4 in stock | $18.15 | $18.15 | 3-gallon | |
Acer rubrum - 1 Gallon | Red maple | 115 in stock | $12.10 | 10+ $6.05ea | 1-gallon | |
Acer rubrum - Tubling | Red maple | 412 in stock | $4.84 | 20+ $2.42ea | tubling | |
Acer rubrum - Bare Root Seedling | Red maple | 34 in stock | $2.30 | 50+ $1.15ea | bare-root-seedling | |
Acorus americanus - Plug | Sweet flag | 47 in stock | $2.42 | 72+ $1.21ea | plug | |
Acorus americanus - 4 inch | Sweet flag | 107 in stock | $9.32 | 36+ $4.66ea | 4-inch | |
Acorus americanus - Bare Root - Herbaceous | Sweet flag | 602 in stock | $2.42 | 50+ $1.21ea | bare-root-herbaceous | |
Acorus americanus - Large Plug | Sweet flag | 190 in stock | $4.84 | 50+ $2.42ea | large-plug | |
Adiantum pedatum - 1 Gallon | Maidenhair fern | 5 in stock | $16.94 | 10+ $8.47ea | 1-gallon | |
Aesculus flava - Tubling | Yellow buckeye | 29 in stock | $4.84 | 20+ $2.42ea | tubling | |
Aesculus pavia - 1 Gallon | Red buckeye | 9 in stock | $14.52 | 10+ $7.26ea | 1-gallon | |
Alnus serrulata - Tubling | Tag alder | 1064 in stock | $4.84 | 20+ $2.42ea | tubling | |
Alnus serrulata - Bare Root Seedling | Tag alder | 328 in stock | $3.00 | 50+ $1.50ea | bare-root-seedling | |
Amelanchier arborea - 3 Gallon | Downy service-berry | 1 in stock | $18.15 | $18.15 | 3-gallon | |
Amorpha fruticosa - 15 Gallon | False indigo | 1 in stock | $66.55 | $66.55 | 15-gallon | |
Amorpha fruticosa - 1 Gallon | False indigo | 17 in stock | $12.10 | 10+ $6.05ea | 1-gallon | |
Amorpha fruticosa - Tubling | False indigo | 576 in stock | $4.84 | 20+ $2.42ea | tubling | |
Andropogon gerardii - 4 inch | Big bluestem | 627 in stock | $9.32 | 36+ $4.66ea | 4-inch | |
Andropogon gerardii - Large Plug | Big bluestem | 195 in stock | $4.84 | 50+ $2.42ea | large-plug | |
Aronia arbutifolia - 15 Gallon | Red chokeberry | 1 in stock | $66.55 | $66.55 | 15-gallon | |
Aronia arbutifolia - 3 Gallon | Red chokeberry | 2 in stock | $18.15 | $18.15 | 3-gallon | |
Asimina triloba - 3 Gallon | Pawpaw | 35 in stock | $23.00 | $23.00 | 3-gallon | |
Asimina triloba - 1 Gallon | Pawpaw | 64 in stock | $19.36 | 10+ $9.68ea | 1-gallon | |
Baptisia albescens - 4 inch | Spiked wild indigo | 2 in stock | $9.32 | 36+ $4.66ea | 4-inch | |
Baptisia albescens - Plug | Spiked wild indigo | 1806 in stock | $2.42 | 72+ $1.21ea | plug | |
Betula nigra - 3 Gallon | River birch | 3 in stock | $18.15 | $18.15 | 3-gallon | |
Betula nigra - 1 Gallon | River birch | 11 in stock | $12.10 | 10+ $6.05ea | 1-gallon | |
Betula nigra - Bare Root Seedling | River birch | 872 in stock | $2.30 | 50+ $1.15ea | bare-root-seedling | |
Borrichia frutescens - Plug | Sea ox-eye | 522 in stock | $2.42 | 72+ $1.21ea | plug | |
Callicarpa americana - 15 Gallon | American beautyberry | 8 in stock | $66.55 | $66.55 | 15-gallon | |
Callicarpa americana - 1 Gallon | American beautyberry | 182 in stock | $14.52 | 10+ $7.26ea | 1-gallon | |
Calycanthus floridus - 1 Gallon | Sweetshrub | 27 in stock | $14.52 | 10+ $7.26ea | 1-gallon | |
Calycanthus floridus - Tubling | Sweetshrub | 122 in stock | $4.84 | 20+ $2.42ea | tubling | |
Carex cherokeensis - 4 inch | Cherokee sedge | 88 in stock | $9.32 | 36+ $4.66ea | 4-inch | |
Carex crinita - 4 inch | Fringed sedge | 124 in stock | $9.32 | 36+ $4.66ea | 4-inch | |
Carex crinita - Plug | Fringed sedge | 2162 in stock | $2.42 | 72+ $1.21ea | plug | |
Carex intumescens - Plug | Bladder sedge | 14 in stock | $2.42 | 72+ $1.21ea | plug | |
Carex lupulina - 4 inch | Hop sedge | 750 in stock | $9.32 | 36+ $4.66ea | 4-inch | |
Carex lupulina - Plug | Hop sedge | 2147 in stock | $2.42 | 72+ $1.21ea | plug | |
Carex lurida - 4 inch | Shallow sedge | 810 in stock | $9.32 | 36+ $4.66ea | 4-inch | |
Carex lurida - Plug | Shallow sedge | 649 in stock | $2.42 | 72+ $1.21ea | plug | |
Carex lurida - Large Plug | Shallow sedge | 550 in stock | $4.84 | 50+ $2.42ea | large-plug | |
Carex vulpinoidea - 4 inch | Fox sedge | 331 in stock | $9.32 | 36+ $4.66ea | 4-inch | |
Carex vulpinoidea - Plug | Fox sedge | 2517 in stock | $2.42 | 72+ $1.21ea | plug | |
Carex vulpinoidea - Large Plug | Fox sedge | 41 in stock | $4.84 | 50+ $2.42ea | large-plug | |
Carpinus caroliniana - 3 Gallon | American hornbeam | 2 in stock | $18.15 | $18.15 | 3-gallon | |
Carpinus caroliniana - 1 Gallon | American hornbeam | 54 in stock | $12.10 | 10+ $6.05ea | 1-gallon | |
Carpinus caroliniana - Tubling | American hornbeam | 11 in stock | $4.84 | 20+ $2.42ea | tubling | |
Carya cordiformis - 1 Gallon | Bitternut hickory | 188 in stock | $14.52 | 10+ $7.26ea | 1-gallon | |
Carya glabra - 1 Gallon | Pignut hickory | 16 in stock | $14.52 | 10+ $7.26ea | 1-gallon | |
Carya ovata - 1 Gallon | Shagbark hickory | 20 in stock | $14.52 | 10+ $7.26ea | 1-gallon | |
Carya tomentosa - Tubling | Mockernut hickory | 50 in stock | $4.84 | 20+ $2.42ea | tubling | |
Carya tomentosa - Bare Root Seedling | Mockernut hickory | 70 in stock | $2.80 | 50+ $1.40ea | bare-root-seedling | |
Ceanothus americanus - 1 Gallon | New Jersey tea | 12 in stock | $14.52 | 10+ $7.26ea | 1-gallon | |
Celtis laevigata - 3 Gallon | Sugarberry | 4 in stock | $18.15 | $18.15 | 3-gallon | |
Celtis laevigata - Tubling | Sugarberry | 81 in stock | $4.84 | 20+ $2.42ea | tubling | |
Celtis laevigata - Bare Root Seedling | Sugarberry | 284 in stock | $2.30 | 50+ $1.15ea | bare-root-seedling | |
Celtis occidentalis - 1 Gallon | Hackberry | 19 in stock | $12.10 | 10+ $6.05ea | 1-gallon | |
Cephalanthus occidentalis - 1' Live Stake | Button bush | 1511 in stock | $2.30 | 50+ $1.15ea | 1-live-stake | |
Cephalanthus occidentalis - 1 Gallon | Button bush | 75 in stock | $14.52 | 10+ $7.26ea | 1-gallon | |
Cephalanthus occidentalis - Tubling | Button bush | 2286 in stock | $4.84 | 20+ $2.42ea | tubling | |
Cephalanthus occidentalis - Bare Root Seedling | Button bush | 71 in stock | $2.30 | 50+ $1.15ea | bare-root-seedling | |
Cercis canadensis - Bare Root Seedling | Eastern redbud | 270 in stock | $2.30 | 50+ $1.15ea | bare-root-seedling | |
Chamaecyparis thyoides - 3 Gallon | Atlantic white cedar | 1 in stock | $18.15 | $18.15 | 3-gallon | |
Chamaecyparis thyoides - 1 Gallon | Atlantic white cedar | 103 in stock | $12.10 | 10+ $6.05ea | 1-gallon | |
Chasmanthium latifolium - 4 inch | River oats | 542 in stock | $9.32 | 36+ $4.66ea | 4-inch | |
Chasmanthium latifolium - Plug | River oats | 1025 in stock | $2.42 | 72+ $1.21ea | plug | |
Chasmanthium laxum - Plug | Slender woodoats | 119 in stock | $2.42 | 72+ $1.21ea | plug | |
Chasmanthium laxum - 4 inch | Slender woodoats | 162 in stock | $9.32 | 36+ $4.66ea | 4-inch | |
Clethra alnifolia - 3 Gallon | Sweet pepper bush | 7 in stock | $18.15 | $18.15 | 3-gallon | |
Clethra alnifolia - 1 Gallon | Sweet pepper bush | 147 in stock | $14.52 | 10+ $7.26ea | 1-gallon | |
Coleataenia rigidula - Plug | Redtop panicgrass | 45 in stock | $2.42 | 72+ $1.21ea | plug | |
Coleataenia rigidula - Large Plug | Redtop panicgrass | 763 in stock | $4.84 | 50+ $2.42ea | large-plug | |
Conoclinium coelestinum - Plug | Blue mistflower | 13 in stock | $2.42 | 72+ $1.21ea | plug | |
Coreopsis lanceolata - Plug | Lance-leaf coreopsis | 72 in stock | $2.42 | 72+ $1.21ea | plug | |
Corylus americana - 3 Gallon | American hazelnut | 22 in stock | $18.15 | $18.15 | 3-gallon | |
Corylus americana - 1 Gallon | American hazelnut | 127 in stock | $14.52 | 10+ $7.26ea | 1-gallon | |
Corylus americana - 15 Gallon | American hazelnut | 3 in stock | $66.55 | $66.55 | 15-gallon | |
Crataegus phaenopyrum - 15 Gallon | Washington hawthorn | 2 in stock | $66.55 | $66.55 | 15-gallon | |
Cyrilla racemiflora - 3 Gallon | Titi | 2 in stock | $18.15 | $18.15 | 3-gallon | |
Cyrilla racemiflora - 1 Gallon | Titi | 70 in stock | $14.52 | 10+ $7.26ea | 1-gallon | |
Cyrilla racemiflora - Tubling | Titi | 417 in stock | $4.84 | 20+ $2.42ea | tubling | |
Cyrilla racemiflora - Bare Root Seedling | Titi | 150 in stock | $4.60 | 50+ $2.30ea | bare-root-seedling | |
Echinacea purpurea - 4 inch | Purple coneflower | 13 in stock | $9.32 | 36+ $4.66ea | 4-inch | |
Elephantopus tomentosus - 4 inch | Elephant’s-foot | 128 in stock | $9.32 | 36+ $4.66ea | 4-inch | |
Equisetum praealtum - Bare Root - Herbaceous | Horsetail | 991 in stock | $2.42 | 50+ $1.21ea | bare-root-herbaceous | |
Eragrostis spectabilis - Plug | Purple lovegrass | 476 in stock | $2.42 | 72+ $1.21ea | plug | |
Eragrostis spectabilis - Large Plug | Purple lovegrass | 399 in stock | $4.84 | 50+ $2.42ea | large-plug | |
Eragrostis spectabilis - 4 inch | Purple lovegrass | 74 in stock | $9.32 | 36+ $4.66ea | 4-inch | |
Eryngium aquaticum - Plug | Marsh rattlesnakemaster | 394 in stock | $2.42 | 72+ $1.21ea | plug | |
Eryngium aquaticum - Large Plug | Marsh rattlesnakemaster | 200 in stock | $4.84 | 50+ $2.42ea | large-plug | |
Eubotrys racemosus - 3 Gallon | Swamp doghobble | 15 in stock | $18.15 | $18.15 | 3-gallon | |
Eubotrys racemosus - 1 Gallon | Swamp doghobble | 59 in stock | $14.52 | 10+ $7.26ea | 1-gallon | |
Eubotrys racemosus - Tubling | Swamp doghobble | 532 in stock | $4.84 | 20+ $2.42ea | tubling | |
Eubotrys racemosus - Bare Root Seedling | Swamp doghobble | 50 in stock | $4.60 | 50+ $2.30ea | bare-root-seedling | |
Euonymus americanus - 1 Gallon | Strawberry bush | 130 in stock | $14.52 | 10+ $7.26ea | 1-gallon | |
Eupatorium perfoliatum - 4 inch | Boneset | 18 in stock | $9.32 | 36+ $4.66ea | 4-inch | |
Eupatorium perfoliatum - Plug | Boneset | 405 in stock | $2.42 | 72+ $1.21ea | plug | |
Fagus grandifolia - 3 Gallon | American beech | 2 in stock | $18.15 | $18.15 | 3-gallon | |
Festuca ovina - Pound | Sheep fescue | 54 in stock | $4.42 | $4.42 | pound | |
Franklinia alatamaha - 1 Gallon | Franklin tree | 122 in stock | $26.62 | 10+ $13.31ea | 1-gallon | |
Fraxinus pennsylvanica - 1 Gallon | Green ash | 3 in stock | $12.10 | 10+ $6.05ea | 1-gallon | |
Gleditsia triacanthos - 1 Gallon | Honey locust | 3 in stock | $12.10 | 10+ $6.05ea | 1-gallon | |
Gleditsia triacanthos - Bare Root Seedling | Honey locust | 163 in stock | $2.30 | 50+ $1.15ea | bare-root-seedling | |
Gleditsia triacanthos - Tubling | Honey locust | 624 in stock | $4.84 | 20+ $2.42ea | tubling | |
Halesia carolina - 15 Gallon | Carolina silverbell | 2 in stock | $66.55 | $66.55 | 15-gallon | |
Halesia carolina - 1 Gallon | Carolina silverbell | 105 in stock | $14.52 | 10+ $7.26ea | 1-gallon | |
Hamamelis vernalis - 3 Gallon | Ozark witch hazel | 1 in stock | $18.15 | $18.15 | 3-gallon | |
Hamamelis vernalis - 1 Gallon | Ozark witch hazel | 10 in stock | $14.52 | 10+ $7.26ea | 1-gallon | |
Hamamelis virginiana - 1 Gallon | Witch hazel | 72 in stock | $14.52 | 10+ $7.26ea | 1-gallon | |
Helenium autumnale - 4 inch | Bitterweed | 162 in stock | $9.32 | 36+ $4.66ea | 4-inch | |
Helenium autumnale - Plug | Bitterweed | 590 in stock | $2.42 | 72+ $1.21ea | plug | |
Helenium autumnale - Large Plug | Bitterweed | 197 in stock | $4.84 | 50+ $2.42ea | large-plug | |
Helianthus angustifolius - 4 inch | Swamp sunflower | 508 in stock | $9.32 | 36+ $4.66ea | 4-inch | |
Helianthus angustifolius - Plug | Swamp sunflower | 235 in stock | $2.42 | 72+ $1.21ea | plug | |
Hibiscus moscheutos - 4 inch | Marsh hibiscus/Rose mallow | 275 in stock | $9.32 | 36+ $4.66ea | 4-inch | |
Hydrangea quercifolia - 1 Gallon | Oakleaf hydrangea | 188 in stock | $14.52 | 10+ $7.26ea | 1-gallon | |
Hypericum densiflorum - 1 Gallon | Bushy St. Johnswort | 2 in stock | $14.52 | 10+ $7.26ea | 1-gallon | |
Hypericum densiflorum - Tubling | Bushy St. Johnswort | 19 in stock | $4.84 | 20+ $2.42ea | tubling | |
Hypericum hypericoides - Tubling | St. Andrew’s cross | 10 in stock | $4.84 | 20+ $2.42ea | tubling | |
Ilex decidua - 1 Gallon | Possum haw | 187 in stock | $14.52 | 10+ $7.26ea | 1-gallon | |
Ilex glabra - 1 Gallon | Inkberry | 515 in stock | $14.52 | 10+ $7.26ea | 1-gallon | |
Ilex glabra - Bare Root Seedling | Inkberry | 44 in stock | $3.40 | 50+ $1.70ea | bare-root-seedling | |
Ilex glabra - Tubling | Inkberry | 1703 in stock | $4.84 | 20+ $2.42ea | tubling | |
Ilex verticillata - 1 Gallon | Winterberry | 40 in stock | $14.52 | 10+ $7.26ea | 1-gallon | |
Ilex verticillata - Bare Root Seedling | Winterberry | 321 in stock | $3.40 | 50+ $1.70ea | bare-root-seedling | |
Iris virginica - 4 inch | Southern blue flag | 1904 in stock | $9.32 | 36+ $4.66ea | 4-inch | |
Iris virginica - Plug | Southern blue flag | 15681 in stock | $2.42 | 72+ $1.21ea | plug | |
Iris virginica - Large Plug | Southern blue flag | 5192 in stock | $4.84 | 50+ $2.42ea | large-plug | |
Itea virginica - 1 Gallon | Virginia sweetspire | 223 in stock | $14.52 | 10+ $7.26ea | 1-gallon | |
Itea virginica - Tubling | Virginia sweetspire | 2849 in stock | $4.84 | 20+ $2.42ea | tubling | |
Itea virginica - Bare Root Seedling | Virginia sweetspire | 182 in stock | $3.40 | 50+ $1.70ea | bare-root-seedling | |
Iva frutescens - 4 inch | Marsh elder | 18 in stock | $9.32 | 36+ $4.66ea | 4-inch | |
Iva frutescens - 1 Gallon | Marsh elder | 14 in stock | $14.52 | 10+ $7.26ea | 1-gallon | |
Juncus effusus - 4 inch | Soft rush | 38 in stock | $9.32 | 36+ $4.66ea | 4-inch | |
Juncus effusus - Plug | Soft rush | 7786 in stock | $2.42 | 72+ $1.21ea | plug | |
Juncus effusus - Large Plug | Soft rush | 225 in stock | $4.84 | 50+ $2.42ea | large-plug | |
Juniperus virginiana - 1 Gallon | Eastern red cedar | 5 in stock | $12.10 | 10+ $6.05ea | 1-gallon | |
Liatris spicata - 4 inch | Blazing star | 8 in stock | $9.32 | 36+ $4.66ea | 4-inch | |
Lindera benzoin - 15 Gallon | Spice bush | 1 in stock | $66.55 | $66.55 | 15-gallon | |
Liquidambar styraciflua - 1 Gallon | Sweet gum | 12 in stock | $12.10 | 10+ $6.05ea | 1-gallon | |
Liriodendron tulipifera - Tubling | Tulip poplar | 5 in stock | $4.84 | 20+ $2.42ea | tubling | |
Liriodendron tulipifera - Bare Root Seedling | Tulip poplar | 21 in stock | $2.30 | 50+ $1.15ea | bare-root-seedling | |
Lobelia elongata - 4 inch | Blue lobelia | 630 in stock | $9.32 | 36+ $4.66ea | 4-inch | |
Lobelia elongata - Large Plug | Blue lobelia | 12 in stock | $4.84 | 50+ $2.42ea | large-plug | |
Lyonia lucida - 3 Gallon | Fetterbush | 7 in stock | $18.15 | $18.15 | 3-gallon | |
Lyonia lucida - 1 Gallon | Fetterbush | 160 in stock | $14.52 | 10+ $7.26ea | 1-gallon | |
Lyonia lucida - Tubling | Fetterbush | 66 in stock | $4.84 | 20+ $2.42ea | tubling | |
Lyonia lucida - Bare Root Seedling | Fetterbush | 17 in stock | $4.60 | 50+ $2.30ea | bare-root-seedling | |
Magnolia virginiana - 1 Gallon | Sweetbay magnolia | 469 in stock | $14.52 | 10+ $7.26ea | 1-gallon | |
Magnolia virginiana - Bare Root Seedling | Sweetbay magnolia | 111 in stock | $3.40 | 50+ $1.70ea | bare-root-seedling | |
Malus angustifolia - Bare Root Seedling | Southern crab apple | 99 in stock | $3.40 | 50+ $1.70ea | bare-root-seedling | |
MMF Native Grass Mix - Pound | MMF seed mixes | 128 in stock | $22.55 | $22.55 | pound | |
MMF Pollinator Mix - Pound | MMF seed mixes | 225 in stock | $44.36 | $44.36 | pound | |
MMF Pollinator Shade Mix - Pound | MMF seed mixes | 83 in stock | $45.15 | $45.15 | pound | |
MMF Pollinator Short/Solar Mix - Pound | MMF seed mixes | 85 in stock | $49.91 | $49.91 | pound | |
MMF Riparian Buffer Mix - Pound | MMF seed mixes | 327 in stock | $21.44 | $21.44 | pound | |
MMF Salt Tolerant Mix - Pound | MMF seed mixes | 37 in stock | $25.30 | $25.30 | pound | |
MMF Shade Mix - Pound | MMF seed mixes | 99 in stock | $31.24 | $31.24 | pound | |
MMF Stabilization Mix - Pound | MMF seed mixes | 159 in stock | $24.20 | $24.20 | pound | |
MMF Stormwater Pond Mix - Pound | MMF seed mixes | 43 in stock | $33.76 | $33.76 | pound | |
MMF Wetland Mix - Pound | MMF seed mixes | 413 in stock | $35.18 | $35.18 | pound | |
MMF Wetland Shade Mix - Pound | MMF seed mixes | 26 in stock | $41.20 | $41.20 | pound | |
Monarda fistulosa - 4 inch | Wild bergamot | 187 in stock | $9.32 | 36+ $4.66ea | 4-inch | |
Monarda fistulosa - Plug | Wild bergamot | 436 in stock | $2.42 | 72+ $1.21ea | plug | |
Morella cerifera - 15 Gallon | Wax myrtle | 2 in stock | $66.55 | $66.55 | 15-gallon | |
Morella cerifera - 1 Gallon | Wax myrtle | 10 in stock | $14.52 | 10+ $7.26ea | 1-gallon | |
Morus rubra - 1 Gallon | Red mulberry | 104 in stock | $12.10 | 10+ $6.05ea | 1-gallon | |
Muhlenbergia capillaris - 4 inch | Hairawn Muhly | 882 in stock | $9.32 | 36+ $4.66ea | 4-inch | |
Muhlenbergia capillaris - Plug | Hairawn Muhly | 36 in stock | $2.42 | 72+ $1.21ea | plug | |
Nyssa aquatica - 1 Gallon | Water tupelo | 40 in stock | $12.10 | 10+ $6.05ea | 1-gallon | |
Nyssa biflora - 1 Gallon | Swamp tupelo | 107 in stock | $12.10 | 10+ $6.05ea | 1-gallon | |
Nyssa biflora - Bare Root Seedling | Swamp tupelo | 602 in stock | $2.50 | 50+ $1.25ea | bare-root-seedling | |
Nyssa sylvatica - 1 Gallon | Black gum | 80 in stock | $12.10 | 10+ $6.05ea | 1-gallon | |
Onoclea sensibilis - 1 Gallon | Sensitive fern | 35 in stock | $16.94 | 10+ $8.47ea | 1-gallon | |
Orontium aquaticum - 4 inch | Golden club | 45 in stock | $9.32 | 36+ $4.66ea | 4-inch | |
Packera aurea - Plug | Golden groundsel | 117 in stock | $2.42 | 72+ $1.21ea | plug | |
Packera aurea - 4 inch | Golden groundsel | 374 in stock | $9.32 | 36+ $4.66ea | 4-inch | |
Panicum virgatum - 4 inch | Switchgrass | 243 in stock | $9.32 | 36+ $4.66ea | 4-inch | |
Panicum virgatum - Plug | Switchgrass | 1885 in stock | $2.42 | 72+ $1.21ea | plug | |
Panicum virgatum - Large Plug | Switchgrass | 940 in stock | $4.84 | 50+ $2.42ea | large-plug | |
Parthenium integrifolium - 4 inch | Wild quinine | 219 in stock | $9.32 | 36+ $4.66ea | 4-inch | |
Peltandra virginica - 4 inch | Arrow arum | 3 in stock | $9.32 | 36+ $4.66ea | 4-inch | |
Peltandra virginica - Plug | Arrow arum | 235 in stock | $2.42 | 72+ $1.21ea | plug | |
Persea borbonia - 3 Gallon | Swamp bay, Red bay | 1 in stock | $18.15 | $18.15 | 3-gallon | |
Persea borbonia - Tubling | Swamp bay, Red bay | 1 in stock | $4.84 | 20+ $2.42ea | tubling | |
Physocarpus opulifolius - 3 Gallon | Ninebark | 6 in stock | $18.15 | $18.15 | 3-gallon | |
Physocarpus opulifolius - 1 Gallon | Ninebark | 39 in stock | $14.52 | 10+ $7.26ea | 1-gallon | |
Physocarpus opulifolius - Tubling | Ninebark | 366 in stock | $4.84 | 20+ $2.42ea | tubling | |
Physocarpus opulifolius - Bare Root Seedling | Ninebark | 117 in stock | $2.70 | 50+ $1.35ea | bare-root-seedling | |
Physocarpus opulifolius - 2' live stake | Ninebark | 100 in stock | $1.90 | 50+ $0.95ea | 2-live-stake | |
Physostegia virginiana - 4 inch | Obedient plant | 95 in stock | $9.32 | 36+ $4.66ea | 4-inch | |
Pinckneya bracteata - 15 Gallon | Fever tree | 1 in stock | $90.75 | $90.75 | 15-gallon | |
Pinckneya bracteata - 1 Gallon | Fever tree | 50 in stock | $26.62 | 10+ $13.31ea | 1-gallon | |
Pinckneya bracteata - Tubling | Fever tree | 186 in stock | $4.84 | 20+ $2.42ea | tubling | |
Pinus strobus - 1 Gallon | White pine | 34 in stock | $12.10 | 10+ $6.05ea | 1-gallon | |
Platanus occidentalis - Tubling | Sycamore | 2432 in stock | $4.84 | 20+ $2.42ea | tubling | |
Platanus occidentalis - Bare Root Seedling | Sycamore | 553 in stock | $2.30 | 50+ $1.15ea | bare-root-seedling | |
Pontederia cordata - 4 inch | Pickerel weed | 138 in stock | $9.32 | 36+ $4.66ea | 4-inch | |
Pontederia cordata - Plug | Pickerel weed | 290 in stock | $2.42 | 72+ $1.21ea | plug | |
Pontederia cordata - Large Plug | Pickerel weed | 130 in stock | $4.84 | 50+ $2.42ea | large-plug | |
Populus deltoides - 1 Gallon | Cottonwood | 6 in stock | $12.10 | 10+ $6.05ea | 1-gallon | |
Prunus angustifolia - 1 Gallon | Chickasaw plum | 5 in stock | $14.52 | 10+ $7.26ea | 1-gallon | |
Prunus serotina - 3 Gallon | Black cherry | 1 in stock | $18.15 | $18.15 | 3-gallon | |
Quercus alba - 1 Gallon | White oak | 19 in stock | $12.10 | 10+ $6.05ea | 1-gallon | |
Quercus alba - Tubling | White oak | 76 in stock | $4.84 | 20+ $2.42ea | tubling | |
Quercus alba - Bare Root Seedling | White oak | 55 in stock | $2.30 | 50+ $1.15ea | bare-root-seedling | |
Quercus bicolor - 3 Gallon | Swamp white oak | 4 in stock | $18.15 | $18.15 | 3-gallon | |
Quercus bicolor - 1 Gallon | Swamp white oak | 290 in stock | $12.10 | 10+ $6.05ea | 1-gallon | |
Quercus bicolor - Bare Root Seedling | Swamp white oak | 262 in stock | $2.30 | 50+ $1.15ea | bare-root-seedling | |
Quercus coccinea - 1 Gallon | Scarlet oak | 54 in stock | $12.10 | 10+ $6.05ea | 1-gallon | |
Quercus coccinea - 15 Gallon | Scarlet oak | 3 in stock | $66.55 | $66.55 | 15-gallon | |
Quercus falcata - 1 Gallon | Southern red oak | 140 in stock | $12.10 | 10+ $6.05ea | 1-gallon | |
Quercus falcata - Bare Root Seedling | Southern red oak | 31 in stock | $2.30 | 50+ $1.15ea | bare-root-seedling | |
Quercus lyrata - 1 Gallon | Overcup oak | 41 in stock | $12.10 | 10+ $6.05ea | 1-gallon | |
Quercus michauxii - 1 Gallon | Swamp chestnut oak | 50 in stock | $12.10 | 10+ $6.05ea | 1-gallon | |
Quercus michauxii - Bare Root Seedling | Swamp chestnut oak | 424 in stock | $2.30 | 50+ $1.15ea | bare-root-seedling | |
Quercus nigra - 1 Gallon | Water oak | 25 in stock | $12.10 | 10+ $6.05ea | 1-gallon | |
Quercus nigra - Tubling | Water oak | 144 in stock | $4.84 | 20+ $2.42ea | tubling | |
Quercus nigra - Bare Root Seedling | Water oak | 225 in stock | $2.30 | 50+ $1.15ea | bare-root-seedling | |
Quercus nigra - 15 Gallon | Water oak | 4 in stock | $66.55 | $66.55 | 15-gallon | |
Quercus pagoda - 15 Gallon | Cherrybark oak | 1 in stock | $66.55 | $66.55 | 15-gallon | |
Quercus pagoda - 1 Gallon | Cherrybark oak | 164 in stock | $12.10 | 10+ $6.05ea | 1-gallon | |
Quercus palustris - gallon | Pin oak | 190 in stock | $12.10 | 10+ $6.05ea | gallon | |
Quercus palustris - 15 Gallon | Pin oak | 5 in stock | $66.55 | $66.55 | 15-gallon | |
Quercus palustris - 3 Gallon | Pin oak | 2 in stock | $18.15 | $18.15 | 3-gallon | |
Quercus palustris - Bare Root Seedling | Pin oak | 169 in stock | $2.30 | 50+ $1.15ea | bare-root-seedling | |
Quercus phellos - 15 Gallon | Willow oak | 3 in stock | $66.55 | $66.55 | 15-gallon | |
Quercus phellos - 3 Gallon | Willow oak | 1 in stock | $18.15 | $18.15 | 3-gallon | |
Quercus phellos - 1 Gallon | Willow oak | 107 in stock | $12.10 | 10+ $6.05ea | 1-gallon | |
Quercus phellos - Tubling | Willow oak | 108 in stock | $4.84 | 20+ $2.42ea | tubling | |
Quercus phellos - Bare Root Seedling | Willow oak | 330 in stock | $2.30 | 50+ $1.15ea | bare-root-seedling | |
Quercus rubra - 1 Gallon | Northern red oak | 15 in stock | $12.10 | 10+ $6.05ea | 1-gallon | |
Quercus rubra - Tubling | Northern red oak | 496 in stock | $4.84 | 20+ $2.42ea | tubling | |
Quercus rubra - Bare Root Seedling | Northern red oak | 413 in stock | $2.30 | 50+ $1.15ea | bare-root-seedling | |
Quercus shumardii - 1 Gallon | Shumard’s oak | 146 in stock | $12.10 | 10+ $6.05ea | 1-gallon | |
Quercus shumardii - Bare Root Seedling | Shumard’s oak | 88 in stock | $2.30 | 50+ $1.15ea | bare-root-seedling | |
Quercus velutina - Tubling | Black oak | 25 in stock | $4.84 | 20+ $2.42ea | tubling | |
Quercus velutina - 1 Gallon | Black oak | 120 in stock | $12.10 | 10+ $6.05ea | 1-gallon | |
Quercus virginiana - gallon | Live oak | 18 in stock | $12.10 | 10+ $6.05ea | gallon | |
Rhododendron atlanticum - 1 Gallon | Dwarf azalea | 61 in stock | $22.99 | 10+ $11.5ea | 1-gallon | |
Rhynchospora colorata - 4 inch | White topped sedge | 612 in stock | $9.32 | 36+ $4.66ea | 4-inch | |
Rhynchospora colorata - Plug | White topped sedge | 74 in stock | $2.42 | 72+ $1.21ea | plug | |
Rosa palustris - 1 Gallon | Swamp rose | 187 in stock | $14.52 | 10+ $7.26ea | 1-gallon | |
Rosa palustris - Tubling | Swamp rose | 565 in stock | $4.84 | 20+ $2.42ea | tubling | |
Rudbeckia fulgida - Plug | Orange coneflower | 255 in stock | $2.42 | 72+ $1.21ea | plug | |
Sabatia kennedyana - 4 inch | Plymouth rose-gentian | 500 in stock | $9.32 | 36+ $4.66ea | 4-inch | |
Sabatia kennedyana - Large Plug | Plymouth rose-gentian | 209 in stock | $4.84 | 50+ $2.42ea | large-plug | |
Sagittaria latifolia - Tuber | Duck potato | 372 in stock | $2.42 | 50+ $1.21ea | tuber | |
Salix caroliniana - 2' live stake | Carolina willow | 1728 in stock | $1.90 | 50+ $0.95ea | 2-live-stake | |
Salix caroliniana - Whip (3'-5') | Carolina willow | 469 in stock | $3.40 | 50+ $1.7ea | whip-3-5 | |
Salix nigra - Tubling | Black willow | 3797 in stock | $4.84 | 20+ $2.42ea | tubling | |
Salix nigra - Bare Root Seedling | Black willow | 13 in stock | $3.40 | 50+ $1.70ea | bare-root-seedling | |
Salix nigra - 2' live stake | Black willow | 95 in stock | $1.90 | 50+ $0.95ea | 2-live-stake | |
Salix sericea - Tubling | Silky willow | 2316 in stock | $4.84 | 20+ $2.42ea | tubling | |
Salix sericea - 2' live stake | Silky willow | 50 in stock | $1.90 | 50+ $0.95ea | 2-live-stake | |
Sambucus canadensis - 1 Gallon | Elderberry | 166 in stock | $14.52 | 10+ $7.26ea | 1-gallon | |
Sambucus canadensis - Tubling | Elderberry | 150 in stock | $4.84 | 20+ $2.42ea | tubling | |
Sambucus canadensis - 2' live stake | Elderberry | 200 in stock | $1.90 | 50+ $0.95ea | 2-live-stake | |
Sambucus canadensis - Bare Root Seedling | Elderberry | 1 in stock | $2.30 | 50+ $1.15ea | bare-root-seedling | |
Saururus cernuus - 4 inch | Lizard’s tail | 18 in stock | $9.32 | 36+ $4.66ea | 4-inch | |
Saururus cernuus - Bare Root - Herbaceous | Lizard’s tail | 994 in stock | $2.42 | 50+ $1.21ea | bare-root-herbaceous | |
Saururus cernuus - Plug | Lizard’s tail | 1612 in stock | $2.42 | 72+ $1.21ea | plug | |
Saururus cernuus - Large Plug | Lizard’s tail | 30 in stock | $4.84 | 50+ $2.42ea | large-plug | |
Schoenoplectus americanus - Bare Root - Herbaceous | Swordgrass | 1735 in stock | $2.42 | 50+ $1.21ea | bare-root-herbaceous | |
Schoenoplectus americanus - Plug | Swordgrass | 196 in stock | $2.42 | 72+ $1.21ea | plug | |
Schoenoplectus pungens - Bare Root - Herbaceous | Common three square | 5650 in stock | $2.42 | 50+ $1.21ea | bare-root-herbaceous | |
Schoenoplectus pungens - Plug | Common three square | 2086 in stock | $2.42 | 72+ $1.21ea | plug | |
Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani - 4 inch | Soft stem bulrush | 54 in stock | $9.32 | 36+ $4.66ea | 4-inch | |
Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani - Bare Root - Herbaceous | Soft stem bulrush | 5967 in stock | $2.42 | 50+ $1.21ea | bare-root-herbaceous | |
Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani - Large Plug | Soft stem bulrush | 84 in stock | $4.84 | 50+ $2.42ea | large-plug | |
Scirpus cyperinus - Plug | Woolgrass | 1036 in stock | $2.42 | 72+ $1.21ea | plug | |
Setaria italica - Pound | Foxtail millet | 94 in stock | $1.35 | $1.35 | pound | |
Solidago rugosa - Plug | Wrinkleleaf goldenrod | 92 in stock | $2.42 | 72+ $1.21ea | plug | |
Solidago sempervirens - Plug | Seaside goldenrod | 793 in stock | $2.42 | 72+ $1.21ea | plug | |
Solidago sempervirens - 4 inch | Seaside goldenrod | 7 in stock | $9.32 | 36+ $4.66ea | 4-inch | |
Sorghastrum nutans - Plug | Indian grass | 2241 in stock | $2.42 | 72+ $1.21ea | plug | |
Spartina patens - Bare Root - Herbaceous | Salt meadow hay | 500 in stock | $2.42 | 50+ $1.21ea | bare-root-herbaceous | |
Spiraea tomentosa - 15 Gallon | Hardhack | 3 in stock | $66.55 | $66.55 | 15-gallon | |
Spiraea tomentosa - 1 Gallon | Hardhack | 144 in stock | $14.52 | 10+ $7.26ea | 1-gallon | |
Spiraea tomentosa - Tubling | Hardhack | 270 in stock | $4.84 | 20+ $2.42ea | tubling | |
Spiraea tomentosa - Bare Root Seedling | Hardhack | 412 in stock | $4.60 | 50+ $2.30ea | bare-root-seedling | |
Stokesia laevis - 4 inch | Stokes aster | 755 in stock | $9.32 | 36+ $4.66ea | 4-inch | |
Stokesia laevis - Plug | Stokes aster | 9 in stock | $2.42 | 72+ $1.21ea | plug | |
Styrax americanus - 15 Gallon | American snowbell | 2 in stock | $66.55 | $66.55 | 15-gallon | |
Swida amomum - 1 Gallon | Silky dogwood | 32 in stock | $14.52 | 10+ $7.26ea | 1-gallon | |
Swida amomum - Tubling | Silky dogwood | 371 in stock | $4.84 | 20+ $2.42ea | tubling | |
Swida amomum - Bare Root Seedling | Silky dogwood | 600 in stock | $2.30 | 50+ $1.15ea | bare-root-seedling | |
Symphoricarpos orbiculatus - 1 Gallon | Coralberry | 196 in stock | $14.52 | 10+ $7.26ea | 1-gallon | |
Symphoricarpos orbiculatus - Tubling | Coralberry | 1077 in stock | $4.84 | 20+ $2.42ea | tubling | |
Symphoricarpos orbiculatus - 1' Live Stake | Coralberry | 131 in stock | $1.90 | 50+ $0.95ea | 1-live-stake | |
Symphyotrichum oblongifolium - Plug | Aromatic aster | 610 in stock | $2.42 | 72+ $1.21ea | plug | |
Taxodium ascendens - 1 Gallon | Pond cypress | 119 in stock | $12.10 | 10+ $6.05ea | 1-gallon | |
Taxodium ascendens - 15 Gallon | Pond cypress | 3 in stock | $66.55 | $66.55 | 15-gallon | |
Taxodium distichum - 15 Gallon | Bald cypress | 1 in stock | $66.55 | $66.55 | 15-gallon | |
Ulmus alata - Tubling | Winged elm | 97 in stock | $4.84 | 20+ $2.42ea | tubling | |
Ulmus americana - 1 Gallon | American elm | 300 in stock | $12.10 | 10+ $6.05ea | 1-gallon | |
Ulmus americana - Bare Root Seedling | American elm | 280 in stock | $2.30 | 50+ $1.15ea | bare-root-seedling | |
Verbena hastata - 4 inch | Blue vervain | 174 in stock | $9.32 | 36+ $4.66ea | 4-inch | |
Vernonia noveboracensis - 4 inch | Ironweed | 190 in stock | $9.32 | 36+ $4.66ea | 4-inch | |
Vernonia noveboracensis - Plug | Ironweed | 299 in stock | $2.42 | 72+ $1.21ea | plug | |
Viburnum dentatum - 3 Gallon | Arrow wood | 18 in stock | $18.15 | $18.15 | 3-gallon | |
Viburnum dentatum - 1 Gallon | Arrow wood | 316 in stock | $14.52 | 10+ $7.26ea | 1-gallon | |
Viburnum dentatum - Tubling | Arrow wood | 977 in stock | $4.84 | 20+ $2.42ea | tubling | |
Viburnum dentatum - Bare Root Seedling | Arrow wood | 31 in stock | $3.00 | 50+ $1.50ea | bare-root-seedling | |
Viburnum dentatum - 15 Gallon | Arrow wood | 7 in stock | $66.55 | $66.55 | 15-gallon | |
Viburnum nudum - 3 Gallon | Possum haw viburnum | 9 in stock | $18.15 | $18.15 | 3-gallon | |
Viburnum nudum - 1 Gallon | Possum haw viburnum | 7 in stock | $14.52 | 10+ $7.26ea | 1-gallon | |
Viburnum nudum - Tubling | Possum haw viburnum | 320 in stock | $4.84 | 20+ $2.42ea | tubling | |
Viburnum nudum - Bare Root Seedling | Possum haw viburnum | 767 in stock | $2.70 | 50+ $1.35ea | bare-root-seedling | |
Xanthorhiza simplicissima - 1 Gallon | Yellow root | 75 in stock | $14.52 | 10+ $7.26ea | 1-gallon | |
Xanthorhiza simplicissima - Bare Root Seedling | Yellow root | 277 in stock | $4.84 | 50+ $2.42ea | bare-root-seedling | |
Yucca filamentosa - Large Plug | Yucca | 63 in stock | $4.84 | 50+ $2.42ea | large-plug |