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Carya glabra

Pignut hickory

Carya glabra is a tree native and common across the region. It is found in a variety of forests, and prefers to be grown in sunny, well-drained, soils. It is drought tolerant once established. The nuts this tree produces in the fall are popular food for wildlife of all shapes and sizes (from bears to wood ducks), and it is a host for several native butterflies and moths. Carya glabra works well for restoration projects.

Species name - Container sizeCommon nameStockPriceQuantity PricingAdd to request
Carya glabra - 3 Gallon

Pignut hickory

5 in stock


Plant type

  • Tree / Shrub

Mature Height

  • Over 30'

Wetland Indicator Status

  • (FACU) Facultative upland


  • Fall Color
  • Drought Tolerant
  • Butterfly and Pollinator Supportive

Planting Zone

  • Upland
  • Slope

Classification by Use

  • Erosion Control
  • Shade Tree
  • Stream Restoration
  • Street Tree