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MMF Stabilization Mix

Our nursery’s Stabilization seed mix is designed for quick germination and erosion control. It contains native grasses that have particularly strong fibrous roots which can grow to depths over six feet. It is appropriate for sites that are full sun to part shade, with low water availability. The species in this mix range from one to five feet tall. The fescue species in this mix (Festuca ovina), while not native, is not an invasive fescue and will not compete with the native grasses for establishment. It is included due to its rapid germination rate but will disappear after a couple of growing seasons.  We recommend 20-25 pounds per acre, and we sell it by the pound.

MMF seed mixes

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MMF Stabilization Mix - Pound

159 in stock


MMF Stabilization Mix
Recommended application rate: 20 to 25 lbs. per acre (1 lb./2000 sq.ft.)
Species Common Name Percent
Andropogon gerardii Big bluestem 13.0%
Andropogon ternarius Splitbeard bluestem 0.5%
Carex vulpinoidea Fox sedge 2.0%
Coreopsis lanceolata Lance leaf tickseed 1.5%
Elymus virginicus Virginia wildrye 20.0%
Festuca ovina var. duriuscula Hard fescue 5.0%
Lespedeza capitata Roundhead lespedeza 0.5%
Panicum virgatum Switchgrass 13.0%
Pycnanthemum tenuifolium Narrowleaf mountainmint 0.5%
Rudbeckia hirta Blackeyed susan 1.0%
Schizachyrium scoparium Little bluestem 13.0%
Solidago rugosa Wrinkleleaf goldenrod 0.5%
Sorghastrum nutans Indian grass 14.0%
Tridens flavus Purple top 1.0%
Tripsacum dactyloides Eastern gammagrass 13.0%
Verbena urticifolia White vervain 0.5%
Zizia aurea Golden zizia 1.0%


Plant type

  • Seed Mix

Mature Height

Wetland Indicator Status


  • Fast Growing / Vigorous
  • Summer Bloomer
  • Fall Color
  • Drought Tolerant
  • Butterfly and Pollinator Supportive

Planting Zone

  • Riparian Zone
  • Upland
  • Slope
  • Riparian Buffer
  • Buffer

Classification by Use

  • Erosion Control
  • Stream Restoration