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MMF Pollinator Shade Mix

This seed mix is designed to provide beauty and pollinator habitat to shade or part-shade areas. These species were selected to ensure blooms throughout the growing season (April through October). It is appropriate for sites that are full or part shade, with moist to dry soils. It can also be used along the wooded border of a sunny site. The species in this mix range from three to five feet tall. We recommend 20-25 pounds per acre, and we sell it by the pound.

MMF seed mixes

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MMF Pollinator Shade Mix - Pound

83 in stock


MMF Pollinator Shade Mix
Recommended application rate: 20 to 25 lbs. per acre (1 lb./2000 sq.ft.)
Species Common Name Percent
Agrostis hyemalis Winter bentgrass 14.0%
Andropogon gerardii Big bluestem 25.0%
Anemone virginiana Tall thimbleweed 0.5%
Aquilegia canadensis Eastern columbine 0.5%
Bidens aristosa Showy tickseed sunflower 10.0%
Carex vulpinoidea Fox sedge 1.0%
Chamaecrista nictitans Sensitive partridge pea 25.0%
Elymus virginicus Virginia wildrye 10.0%
Geum canadense White avens 0.5%
Juncus tenuis Path rush 2.5%
Oenothera fruticosa Narrowleaf evening primrose 0.1%
Penstemon laevigatus Eastern smooth beardtongue 0.5%
Pycnanthemum tenuifolium Narrowleaf mountainmint 0.1%
Schizachyrium scoparium Little bluestem 4.2%
Sisyrinchium angustifolium Narrowleaf blue-eyed grass 0.5%
Symphyotrichum lateriflorum Calico aster 0.1%
Zizia aurea Golden zizia 5.5%

Plant type

  • Seed Mix

Mature Height

  • 3' - 6'

Wetland Indicator Status

  • (FAC) Facultative


  • Bird Supportive
  • Fast Growing / Vigorous
  • Summer Bloomer
  • Fall Color
  • Drought Tolerant
  • Spring Bloomer
  • Nitrogen Fixing
  • Shade Tolerant
  • Fall Blooming
  • Butterfly and Pollinator Supportive

Planting Zone

  • Upland
  • Slope
  • Riparian Buffer

Classification by Use

  • Erosion Control
  • Showy Native
  • Stream Restoration