Our nursery’s Wetland seed mix is designed for wetland creation and restoration. It contains a mix of grasses and forbs native to southeastern wetlands. It is appropriate for sites that are full sun to part shade, with standing water during part or all of the year. The species in this mix range from one to five feet tall. We recommend 20-25 pounds per acre, and we sell it by the pound.
MMF seed mixes
Species name - Container size | Stock | Price | Quantity Pricing | Add to request |
MMF Wetland Mix - Pound | 370 in stock | $35.18 | $35.18 |
Recommended application rate: 20 to 25 lbs. per acre (1 lb./2000 sq.ft.) — $35.18 per pound | ||
Species | Common Name | Percent |
Bidens aristosa | Showy tickseed | 14.0% |
Carex vulpinoidea | Fox sedge | 4.5% |
Coleataenia rigidula | Redtop panicgrass | 1.0% |
Dichanthelium clandestinum | Deertongue | 13.0% |
Dichanthelium dichotomiflorum | Fall panicgrass | 15.0% |
Elymus virginicus | Virginia wildrye | 26.0% |
Hypericum punctatum | Spotted St. Johnswort | 0.5% |
Juncus effusus | Soft rush | 0.5% |
Panicum virgatum | Switchgrass | 22.0% |
Penstemon laevigatus | Eastern smooth beardtongue | 0.5% |
Rudbeckia triloba | Browneyed susan | 1.0% |
Solidago rugosa | Wrinkleleaf goldenrod | 0.5% |
Sparganium americanum | Eastern bur reed | 1.0% |
Tradescantia ohiensis | Bluejacket | 0.5% |
100% |