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MMF Shade Mix

Our nursery’s Shade seed mix includes a number of native grasses and forbs that happily grow in light to moderate shade. It is appropriate for moist sites that are entirely shaded, or for the edges of larger areas. The species in this mix range from one to five feet tall. We recommend 20-25 pounds per acre, and we sell it by the pound.

MMF seed mixes

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MMF Shade Mix - Pound

141 in stock


MMF Shade Mix
Recommended application rate: 20 to 25 lbs. per acre (1 lb./2000 sq.ft.)
Species Common Name Percent
Agrostis hyemalis Winter bentgrass 21.0%
Andropogon gerardii Big bluestem 4.0%
Bidens aristosa Bidens 26.0%
Carex vulpinoidea Fox sedge 3.0%
Chamaecrista fasciculata Partridge pea 6.0%
Elymus virginicus Virginia wildrye 32.0%
Juncus tenuis Path rush 1.0%
Schizachyrium scoparium Little bluestem 4.0%
Zizia aurea Golden alexanders 3.0%

Plant type

  • Seed Mix

Mature Height

  • 3' - 6'

Wetland Indicator Status


  • Fast Growing / Vigorous
  • Fall Color
  • Nitrogen Fixing
  • Shade Tolerant
  • Fall Blooming
  • Butterfly and Pollinator Supportive

Planting Zone

  • Riparian Zone
  • Upland
  • Slope
  • Riparian Buffer
  • Buffer

Classification by Use

  • Erosion Control