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Echinacea purpurea

Echinacea purpurea is a flowering plant native throughout the southeast, although uncommon in the coastal plain. It naturally occurs in open woodlands. It grows best in full sun to part shade, on sites with dry to moist soils. This plant produces showy, bright pink flowers in the summer that attract lots of pollinators. Songbirds eat the seeds in the fall and winter. The flowering stalk can grow up to four feet every season and dies back in the winter. This is also a host plant for several native butterfly species. Echinacea purpurea is an excellent specimen plant in a yard, rain garden, or green roof.

Purple coneflower

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Plant type

  • Flowering Perennial

Mature Height

  • 3' - 6'

Wetland Indicator Status


  • Bird Supportive
  • Summer Bloomer
  • Butterfly and Pollinator Supportive

Planting Zone

  • Upland
  • Slope

Classification by Use

  • Erosion Control
  • Green Roof
  • Rain Garden
  • Showy Native