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Callicarpa americana

Callicarpa americana is native shrub found throughout the southeast, although less common in the mountains. It needs to be in a sunny spot, but grows in a wide range of well-drained soils. This plant is well known for its bright purple berries, which mature in late summer and feed songbirds and small mammals. The small white flowers that bloom earlier in the year are popular among pollinators. The crushed leaves emit a unique smell that is said to help repel mosquitos. Callicarpa americana works well for restoration projects, or for use as a showy native in a rain garden.

American beautyberry

Species name - Container sizeStockPriceQuantity PricingAdd to request
Callicarpa americana - 15 Gallon

4 in stock

Callicarpa americana - 1 Gallon

2 in stock

$14.5210+ $7.26ea

Plant type

  • Tree / Shrub

Mature Height

  • 6' - 12'

Wetland Indicator Status

  • (FACU) Facultative upland


  • Bird Supportive
  • Salt Tolerant
  • Summer Bloomer
  • Drought Tolerant
  • Butterfly and Pollinator Supportive

Planting Zone

  • Riparian Zone
  • Upland
  • Floodplain
  • Slope
  • Riparian Buffer

Classification by Use

  • Erosion Control
  • Rain Garden
  • Showy Native
  • Stream Restoration